Children's Spirit Animal Cards - Dr. Steven Farmer


This delightful set features 24 Spirit Animals with child-focused messages for nurturing connection, reassurance, and confidence. The guidebook includes insight and activities for each card plus a section on how to help your child use the deck to inspire thoughtful, creative responses to the everyday challenges of childhood. With sturdy cardstock and simple wording, this set is suitable for children of all ages, but especially those aged six and over.

More Information From the Guidebook
"Children's Spirit Animal Cards" offer guidance and suggestions to help with the different problems and concerns you might encounter while growing up. The cards are easy to use, fun to work with, and will provide useful messages any time you are curious or need some advice.

This guidebook expands on the text featured on the cards and include suggestions and activities to help integrate the messages from the Spirit Animals. Use the cards with the guidebook for clear, thought-provoking answers that promote a deeper and more intimate connection to Spirit and Earth.

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