How To Cleanse and Charge Crystals.


Crystals are beautiful mineral objects, whose atoms are highly ordered by nature, but you must first cleanse and charge crystals, before you use them for any healing or spiritual work.

There are multiple ways to charge crystals to amplify the properties that will help manifest your intention.

The charging process is usually preceded by cleansing and followed by programming your desired intent into the crystal.

Make sure you safely store your crystals after charging them, so that they will stay clean and fully charged until the next time you need them.

This is the question we get asked the most here at Kadoo!

So, “How do I cleanse and charge my crystals?”

Your answers lie below.



Sunlight: Placing crystals in the light of the sun can cleanse them. Check that they won't fade first and take care to ensure the sun’s rays are not focused in a way that could start a fire.

Moonlight: Placing crystals in the moonlight for a few hours can cleanse them. Full moon's are the best times to cleanse crystals and have the added impact of charging your crystals too.

Water: Crystals can be held under running water or immersed in sea or salt water to wash negativity away. Be careful that the crystals do not dissolve in water before using this method as it is not suitable for all types of crystal.

Smudging/ Saining: Lighting a sage smudging stick, Palo Santo or Sweet Grass etc. and running crystals through the smoke will purify them and cleanse them. Be sure to set your intent whilst cleansing them in this way.

Cleansing Sprays: Cleansing sprays are now readily available that can be used to cleanse your crystal . Alternatively an atomiser of water and essential oils can be used

Crystals: Certain crystals can cleanse others. Carnelian can cleanse crystals when placed in a bag overnight. Or selenite is great at keeping crystals it is with energetically charged and cleansed.

Candle Light: You can pass your crystals through the light from a candle to repurify them and surround them with light.

Earth: Return crystals to the ground or place next to plants. Being close to their original source helps to cleanse them and renew their energies.

Incense: Use incense to run crystals through the smoke

Visualisation: Imagine the crystal surrounded by intense light which purifies and energises them. This can be an effective method when all others are not available.

Sea Salt: Place your crystals in sea salt overnight. Ensure that you brush off all the salt once you take the crystals back out from the salt as in some cases the salt can damage the crystal structure over a longer course of time.

Sound: Certain sound vibrations run through the crystals cleansing any negative energy. Singing bowls are the most common way to get a great sound energy

With each cleansing technique you should always hold the intention that negativity will be washed away and positivity and natural state returned to the crystal. You should also visualise what you are looking to achieve so that crystal can attune to your intent.


Cleansing crystals, is the process of removing any previous energies or thought-forms attached to the crystal. Cleansing crystals sometimes charges them, especially if the healing crystals are placed in the sunlight, moonlight or on top of other crystals, during the cleansing process.



Selenite: Place your crystals on a slab of selenite, that has been already cleansed, charged and programmed. Selenite crystals are believed to charge other crystals with their energy.

Sunlight, The sun provides you with active, yang, healing energies. Leave your crystal under the sun for a full day. You can also place your crystals on a windowsill. Another reminder that some crystals may fade in the sun, in which case you can place them in indirect sunlight.

Moonlight: Leave your crystal under the moonlight for a full night, preferably on a night of the full moon. You can place your crystals on a window sill, if you prefer to charge your crystals indoors.

Intention: Simply quiet your mind and hold your crystal in your dominant hand. Focus on the goal or intention that you want your crystal to achieve and let that energy radiate into the crystal in the form of light energy.


Charging crystals is a process through which the healing properties of crystals can be amplified. Charging as a sort of waking up the crystal to raises the vibrations of the crystal to a higher state. This amplifies the specific healing properties of that crystal, which in turn increases its healing effects.


While it is not essential to program your crystals to gain benefit from their healing properties, you can do so if you wish to focus the crystal’s energy on something specific. Follow our steps below to do so.

  1. Think about what is it that you want your crystal to achieve, and carefully formulate your intention. Write it down on a piece of paper, to help you focus.

  2. Choose a crystal or stone that resonates with the intention you desire. For example, choose a calming stone for letting go of stress or anxiety such as amethyst. You can use a crystal that corresponds to a particular healing quality that you need. Better, use your own intuition as to which stone or crystal would best serve the purpose you have in mind at the present moment.

    Always come and ask us if you need a hand figuring out what crystal will suit your needs.

  3. Make sure you cleanse your chosen crystal or stone to clear any previous energies or programming.

  4. Sit quietly, hold your crystal and clear your mind of unrelated thoughts. Just focus on your intention (the one you wrote on the piece of paper in step one above). You may state your intention out loud, or visualize the words of your intention, whatever you feel more inclined to do. Repeat your intention several times until you feel the vibrations have been absorbed fully into your stone.

    When you intuitively feel that the process is complete, it is.

Happy healing my loves xxx


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